November 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

Pat's Kitchen : photo by Malcolm Aslett


A busy kitchen with a lot happening. I like the Velasquez touch with me in the mirror.

This was put together in stages, beginning with the central upper section and the large wooden spoons. And everything else explodes from that center. I get tired of seeing the globe of a well formed and fitting image that makes it look like a photograph taken with a fish eye. The black parts between elements essentially means that some things can remain undistorted, or at least not too distorted.

There is a not-so-famous British artist who did detailed paintings of a mass of items, like bric a brac in a second hand store. I forget his name. Not the sort of artist who is respected by the powers that be as the suhject is not a grand theme and perhaps a little too near the knuckle - as the manner makes all human activity appear meaningless and of the same worth. Busy for the sake of being busy, which might just be what human activity turns out to be. There is a sense of this, I think, in photographs where there is so much detail like this one.

So it goes.



